Notice of Annual Fire Safety Education

Author:scbb    Time:2013-11-15 09:59:16    Hits:
Notice of Annual Fire Safety Education All schools and departments, In order to improve faculties and students’ fire safety awareness and enable those threatened by a fire to deal with the emergency and evacuate from affected areas, there will be an annual fire safety education in November. And something related is hereby notified as follows:
1. Main events
No   Events    Time       Remark
1  Quarterly fire safety inspection           
2  To designate emergency assembly points for each building        
3  To know the layout of stairs, safety exits , routes to evacuate and emergency assembly points  Before Nov.25      
4   Fire drill Nov.29   
2. Content and requirement of each event
(1) Quarterly fire safety inspection.
It has been carried out by General Affairs Office and security administrators from each schools and departments by Nov.13.
(2)To designate emergency assembly points for each building.
In order to strengthen campus security management and avoid unnecessary losses, emergency assembly point for each building has been designated.
Instructions for emergency assembly points:
(a) Emergency assembly points are used as temporary refuge for teachers and students only in event of a fire or another emergency.
(b) Emergency assembly points for each building:
(c) In event of an emergency, evacuate to the emergency assembly points as soon as possible.
(d) After evacuating to the assembly points, check to see if anyone in the same office or laboratory is missing. If so, please report the missing person to the school or department leaders immediately. 
No.  Building  Emergency Assembly Point Number     Remark
1     Building A     1    
2     Building B     2    
3     Building C     3    
4     Building D     4    
5     Building E    5    
6     Building F     6    
7     Building G     7    
8     Building J      8    
9     Building H     9    
Diagram of Emergency Assembly Points:
(3) To know the layout of stairs, safety exits , routes to evacuate and emergency assembly points.
Faculties and students of all schools and departments shall get familiar to the layout of stairs, safety exits, routes to evacuate and emergency assembly points spontaneously, everyone is required to at least take a walk through or to these sites. Schools and departments could organize practice if condition allows.
(4)To know the layout of stairs, safety exits, routes to evacuate and emergency assembly points is recommended to be part of safety education for new employees and students.
(5)The items of fire drill (There will be a special notice of the fire drill).
NO  Items      Time       Place       People involved     Remark
1     Fire drill without notice                     
2   The use of fire extinguishers         The square west to Building A      All the faculties and students
3     The operation of fire hose            The square west to Building A      Security men 
4     A lecture on Things to know when faced with a fire emergency                      Officer Zeng  
5     Summation by commander-in-chief                          To be determined
General Affairs Office