Special Seminar on Nov. 21th, 2014 (10:00-12:00, E-104)---Prof. Zhen-Yu Chen (CU

Author:scbb    Time:2014-11-18 17:33:45    Hits:

Seminar 1:
Title:Cholesterol, Heart Disease and Functional Foods
Speaker:Zhen-Yu Chen (School of Life Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Time:Nov. 21th,  10:00-11:00
Host:Dr. Guoxin Wang

Seminar 1:
Title:Biomimetic synthesis and property of Electrodeless nanostructures
Speaker:Prof. Lin Yang (Henan Normal Univ.)
Time:Nov. 21th,  11:00-12:00
Host:Dr. Guoxin Wang