嘉 宾 Dr. Mingming Guo (SINOPEC Beijing Research Institure of Chemical Industry中石化北京化工研究所)
题 目 Preparation, assembly and applications of gold/carbon nanomaterials
时 间 2013年11月28日 星期四 10:00
地 点 E-104
邀请人 王勇老师
Profile of Dr. Mingming Guo
1978-1982, B.S&Master, the Department of polymer, Nanjing University;
1985-1987, Ph.D, the Department of Materials, Fudan University;
1987-1990, Lecturer, the Department of Materials, Fudan University;
1990-1992, Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow,University of Hamburg;
1993-1994, Research Assistant Professor,Chemistry Department, New York University;
1994-2013, NMR Center Manager, Polymer Science Institute, The University of Akron;
2013- “Thousand Talents Program” distinguished experts, SINOPEC Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry.